Ongoing Schemes
S.No. | Project number and Title | Period | Name and Designation of the Project leader | Progress of work |
1. | HCRI/ VRM/ HOR/ VEG/ 2014/ 001. Evolution and evaluation of high yielding non-spiny brinjal types with the quality characters of spiny brinjal
Nov. 2014
to Dec. 2019
Dr. S. Nanthakumar
Prof. and Head, HRS, Yercaud
The non-spiny brinjal culture, VRM-16-10 showed better performance in the field in respect of growth and yield compared to VRM (Br) 1 spiny brinjal. During this season (Kharif 2019) seeds were sent to 32 research stations for conducting MLT and 17 districts of Tamilnadu for conducting ART for confirmatory results. |
2. | CPPS/ VRM/ PAT/ VEG/ 2018/ 001 Screening of newer insecticides and plant products for the management of insect vectors of virus and photoplasma diseases of brinjal | Jan. 2018
to Dec. 2020 |
Dr. D. Dinakaran
Prof. (Pl.Path.) & Head
Three IDM modules viz., chemical management, biointensive management and Farmers’ practice are formulated and are being tested against viral and phytoplasma diseases of brinjal under field conditions.
CPPS/ VRM/ PAT/ RGR/ 2018/ 001. Studies on identification of resistant genotypes to wilt and root rot diseases for pigeonpea | April 2018 to
Mar. 2021 |
Dr. D. Dinakaran
Prof. (Pl.Path.) & Head
A total of 114 pigeonpea genotypes from ICRISAT, IIPR, Kanpur were raised along with the released varieties for screening against wilt and root rot diseases during Kharif 2018. There was no incidence of root rot disease in any of the entries screened. Incidence of Fusarium wilt was ranged from 3.13% (VBN 3) to 8.33% (ICP 7803). |
4. | CPBG/VRM/ PBG/ SOR/ 2016/ 001. Evaluation of local thalaivirichan sorghum genotypes for higher yield. | Nov. 2016 to
Oct. 2019 |
Dr. A. Gopikrishnan
Asst. Professor (PBG)
Out of 75 genotypes collected from farmers’ fields, three genotypes from Veerappanpatti, Poigai and ARS selection recorded higher grain yield per plant and are under field evaluation.
5. | CPBG/ VRM/ PBG/ RGR/ 2016/ 001. Development of high yielding long duration redgram suitable for rainfed tract of Tamil Nadu. | June 2016
to April 2019 |
Dr. A. Gopikrishnan
Asst. Professor (PBG)
Out of 39 entries, 8 entries (ICP 348, ICP 1071, ICP 2577, ICP 7366, ICP 8863, ICP 13304, ICP 3451 and ICP 6859) identified of early flowering (90-100 days), 16 entries identified for medium flowering and 15 entries identified for late flowering.
Three entries viz., ICP 3451 (1260 pods/plant), ICP 9174 (810 pods/plant) and MAL 13 (800 pods/plant) identified for more number of pods per plant.
6. | CPBG/ VRM/ PBG/ RGR/ 2018/ CP-13. Development of wilt resistant short duration redgram variety | Oct 2018 to
Sept. 2021 |
Dr. A. Gopikrishnan
Asst. Professor (PBG) & Dr. D. Dinakaran Prof. (Pl. Path.) & Head
The following new crosses were made to develop short duration redgram with wilt resistance viz., APK 1 x BSMR 846, APK1 x ICP 8863, CO (Rg)7 x BSMR 846 and CO (Rg) 7 x ICP 8863. The F1 seeds were harvested.
Artificial screening Sick soil is being developed using Fusarium udum culture and screening of progenies and genotypes against wilt is under progress. |