Dr. S.AMUTHA, Ph.D.,

Professor and Head
Department of Food Science and Nutrition

                The Department of Food Science and Nutrition is one of the core disciplines of Community Science which concentrates on the three fold mandate of the University which includes teaching, research and outreach activities concentrated to benefit the academia, industry and farming community. With highly proficient and dedicated faculty, excelling in teaching and research, ably supported by non technical staff, with state of the art laboratories housing need based basic and advanced equipment; the department has the best to offer in terms of wholesome learning environment. The Department provides the necessary technical expertise and support for the students in preparing them for higher education, advanced research and placement opportunities. We motivate for excellence in each student and also encourage our graduates towards strong entrepreneurial ventures.  The four year professional Under Graduate Degree programme is unique to all SAUs in the country and the department also offers the Masters and Doctoral degree programs in Food and Nutrition. We welcome aspiring students to view our website and prepare themselves accordingly for successful study program at our Institute