External Funded Ongoing Projects

All India Coordinated Research Project

Project-1: Promoting Farm Women Knowledge Groups (FWKGs) for Enhanced Use of ICT in Agriculture and Allied Sectors

Project2: Empowerment of Farm Women on Climate Change.

Project-3: : Scoping IFS Models From Gender Perspective With Focus on Enhancing Farm Income

Venture Capital Scheme

V60GI – Imparting skill training to the self help groups, entrepreneurs on processed food products, unit renting and publication

PI .      : Dr. A.Kalaiselvan, Asst. Prof. (FSN)

Co. PI. : Dr. J.Pushpa, Prof & Head. (Agrl. Extn)

            This scheme was started during July, 2010.  The seed money received from TNAU was Rs. 25,000/- (Rupees Twenty five Thousand Only) and it was repaid.

Objectives of VCS

  1. Identification of potential SHGs
  2. To impart training on commercial food processing techniques
  3. Rendering facilities available with food processing unit for commercialization to enhance the livelihood pace
  4. Publication of food technologies

Details of Income Generation

Income accrued through training, selling products and unit renting are given in the following tables.  Rates for training, products and unit rent are fixed as per TNAU approval.

Summary of  achievements.

            Technology disseminated:  Millet based value added food production, preparation of ready to use food products and processing of moringa and value addition.

Products/ Inputs sold: Health mix, Adai mix, Puttu mix, Nutri ball, millet incorporated biscuits, Health drink and sprouted sundal.