
Location with Altitude, Latitude and Longitude
Latitude 9 . 17

Longitude 77 . 54

Altitude 154 m

Vannikonenthal village of Manur taluk, Tirunelveli District

Date of  start  of the station ( Copy of Government /University order to be enclosed) 1.4.2015

G.O (Ms) No. 90 dated 1.4.2015 of Agricultural Production Commissioner and Secretary to Government, Agriculture Department, Govt. of Tamil Nadu, Chennai.

Name and Designation of the Professor & Head Dr.P.Nainar

Professor (Hort) and Head

Total area of the station

(Details with survey numbers to be enclosed in Annexure )

21.05 ha located at survey Nos. viz; 853/2 (4.09 ha) and 866/1 (16.96 ha) of Vannikonenthal village Name of Post Sanctioned Positioned
1 Professor (Hort) 1 1
2 Teaching Assistant (Hort) 1 1
3 Junior Asst cum Typist 1 1
4 Office Asst. 1 1
5 Tractor Driver 1 1
6 Asst. Agrl. Officer 2 2
7 PUSM 1 1