Externally Funded projects (Proposed)

Sl. No. Title of the Project PI/Co-PI Funding Agency Budget in Lakhs (Rs.) Status
1. Bio-insect trap for fruitfly management in Mango Dr.P.Thilagam, Dr.M.S.Aneesa Rani  and Dr.S.Srividhya BIRAC 49.95 online submission
2. Novel volatiles and microbiome formulation for fruit fly control in mango Dr.S.Srividhya, Dr.P.Thilagam


DST – Core research Grant 48.02 Under evaluation
3. Development of spore trap aided eco-friendly management strategies to mitigate mango anthracnose disease under organic production system Dr. A. Kamalakannan

Dr.S.Srividhya, Dr.P.Thilagam

SERB- EMEQ 35.00 Project send for VC approval
4. Establishment of Jeenur Horti Business

Incubation  Forum (JHBIF)


Dr. S. Srivara Buddhi Bhuvaneswari,

EDII, Chennai 235 Awaited
5. Development of auto-dissemination fungal trap for fruit fly management in mango Dr.P.Thilagam



ASPIRE Women 29.46 Online submission
6. Mango Based Entrepreneurship Development for small and Marginal farmers Dr.M.S.Aneesa Rani



Dr.K.Geetha, Dr.P.Thilagam

TANII 240.39 Presented and submitted to DPM
7. Performance Evaluation of Mobile “Uzhavan” farmer app Dr.S.Srivarabuddhi Bhuvaneswari

Dr.M.S.Aneesa Rani

ICSSR 9.5 Submitted through online