IFS Unit (Sheep Unit)

Demo unit on sheep rearing (Mecheri breed) has been established for offering training to the farmers, farm women, landless labourers and rural youth. Sheep breeds, importance of sheep rearing, feeding management, Disease management and marketing were dealt with these trainings.
Mixed Fodder Unit

Tamil Nadu Agricultural University released new varieties of Fodder Crops Cumbu Napier CN (CO)5 -30cents Fodder Sorghum CO FS 29 – 20 cents and COFS 31 -10 cents were established in the fodder bankunitof KVK farm for the benefit of farming community.
Mixed Fodder Bank (10 cent model)
Establishment Mixed Fodder Bank unit (Cumbu Napier CO5, Fodder Sorghum Co FS 31, Hedge Lucerne, Lucerne, Agathiand Fodder Maize – Africal Tall variety) in KVK farm for the benefit of farming community of Tiruppur district.
Establishment of Azolla in KVK premises for popularaisation and demonstration of Azolla feeding in Livestock and Poultry. (Azolla contains 25-35% protein on dry weight basis and rich in essential amino acids, vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin B12 and Beta- Carotene), growth promoter intermediaries and minerals like calcium, phosphorous, potassium, ferrous, copper, magnesium.)