1. Capacity Building – Vermi Composting

ICAR KVK Tiruppur has one Vermicompost demonstration unit, from this unit 5 Tons of Vermicompost is produced per annum and it is used for the enhancing the fertility status of KVK farm soil and farmers training purpose
2. Capacity Building – Bee Keeping

Established Apiary Units in the KVK premises for
demonstration and training to the farming community, as a part of their income
generation. Natural honey collected from different plant sources may be sold at
remunerative price
3. Seed Production Block

KVK Tirupur has established quality seed production block of Groundnut variety BSR 2, foundation seeds of Blackgram VBN 10, Cowpea VBN 3 and Greengram CO8. Regularly produced quality seeds and planting material and distributed to the farmers. Groundnut breeder seed BSR 2 were produced and despatched to Agrl. Department as per the GOI indent.
4. . Azolla Unit
Establishment of Azolla in KVK premises for popularaisation and demonstration of Azolla feeding in Livestock and Poultry. (Azolla contains 25-35% protein on dry weight basis and rich in essential amino acids, vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin B12 and Beta- Carotene), growth promoter intermediaries and minerals like calcium, phosphorous, potassium, ferrous, copper, magnesium.)