Retd. Director, IISR, Calicut
Technological innovations for increasing production and productivity of spices
Short Bio
Directing and Coordinating spices research in the country for improving production, productivity, sustainability and food safety. Working on genetic resources, crop improvement and biotechnology of black pepper, cardamom, ginger, turmeric and vanilla. Other main areas of work are micro propagation and in vitro conservation of spices; exploiting somaclonal variation for crop improvement; developing genomic resources and isolation of agronomically important genes for Marker Aided Selection and genetic modification . Released 12 crop varieties, reported 2 new species, established world collection of pepper germplasm, digital herbarium of Piper and database of pepper germplasm, in vitro gene bank, DNA Bank, Biotechnology, Accreditation & Hardening facilities. Micropropagation technologies developed for 40 spices and aromatic crops. Identified resistance source to Phytophthora meadii and Fusarium oxysporum and developed inter specific hybrids in vanilla. Research guide in Calicut, Kannur, Mangalore and Nagarjuna Universities. Member, board of studie, Calicut and Kerala Universities and guided 8 Doctoral students.
Microsoft Teams Link
Meeting ID: 485 160 748 452
Passcode: KUeFqh