Dr.Malavka Dadlani
Seed Enhancements - The Future of Seed Technology
Short Bio
Born in Varanasi, India on 20 August, 1951. Educated at BHU, Varanasi, 1966-70; IARI, New Delhi, 1970-72; IIT, Kharagpur, 1973-74; Calcutta University, 1974-78. B.Sc. 1970; M.Sc. 1972; DIIT, 1974; Ph.D. 1979; Post-Doctoral Fellow, IRRI, Philippines, 1987-89.Awards/Honours: IARI Best Teacher Award, 2001; FAO Expert Consultation on Quality Declared Seed, 2002; Rao Bahadur Dr. Ram Dhan Singh Award in Seed Technology, 2006-07; Bhumi Nirman Award, 2008; Member, Executive Committee, SAARC Seed Forum, 2010-12; FAO Consultant, Bangladesh, 2014; Myanmar, 2014-15; Combodia, 2015-16; Consultant, GFA, Germany, 2016; ADT, Germany, 2017-18; Editor, Dialogue : Science, scientists and Society, IASc, Bengaluru 2017-2019; President, Indian Society of Seed Technology, New Delhi 2017-19.
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