ICAR partly /fully financed schemes (from 1.4.2016 to till date)

Project number Discipline Name of the experiment Name  and designation of the scientist in-charge Progress of work
RF/SRS-SGM/002 Seed Science and Technology ICAR-MSP-Revolving Fund scheme on Seed production in Agricultural crops

01.4.2016 to 31.3.2018

1. Dr.R.Nageswari

Assist. Professor




Class of seeds

Quantity of seeds produced (Kg) Value (L.Rs.)
Paddy (Co 51, BPT 5204, ADT 49)- F1/ F2 seeds 23120




(Co 1) -TFL

251 1.38
Cumbu Nappier (Co 5) 80,000 Nos. 0.80


(Co 1)- TFL

411 0.25
Total   9.82

01.4.2018 to 31.3.2019

1.  Dr.R.Nageswari

Assist. Professor


2. Dr.L.Chithra

Prof. &Head

3. Dr.M.Shanmuganathan



Class of seeds

Quantity of seeds produced (Kg) Value (L.Rs.)
Paddy (Co 51, BPT 5204, ADT 49) – F1/ F2 seeds 6840




(Co 1) -TFL

30 0.165
Cumbu Nappier (Co 5) 2,000 Nos. 0.20


(Co 1)- TFL

348 0.20
Total   3.025

01.4.2019 to 31.3.2020

1. Dr.L.Chithra

Prof. &Head

2. Dr.R.Nageswari

Assist. Professor (Agronomy)


Paddy TKM 13 (F1) was planted in an area of 4.0 acres.



RF/SRS-SGM/001 Seed tech and technology ICAR-MSP-Revolving Fund scheme on Seed production in Horticultural crops



01.4.2016 to 31.3.2018

1. Dr.R.Nageswari

Assist. Professor



Class of seeds

Quantity of seeds produced (Kg) Value (L.Rs.)
Seedcane 40 tons 1.20
Ornemental plants in polybags 1339



Betevine rooted cuttings 189 0.03
Cacti plants 2,000 Nos. 0.20
Insuline plants 160 0.06
others 0.10
Total   1.76

01.4.2018 to 31.3.2019

1.  Dr.R.Nageswari

Assist. Professor


2. Dr.L.Chithra

Prof. &Head


Asst.Prof.( Ento.)


Class of seeds

Quantity of seeds produced (Kg) Value (L.Rs.)
Seedcane 10 0.3
Ornamental plants in polybags 556 0.01
Cacti plants 30 0.01
Insuline plants 30 0.01
others 0.05
Total   0.38

01.4.2019 to 31.3.2020

1. Dr.L.Chithra

Prof. &Head

2. Dr.R.Nageswari

Assist. Professor    (Agronomy)


Nursery is maintained for ornamental plants and betelvine garden is being established in an area of 0.10 ac.

TN-IAMP (Tamil Nadu Irrigated Agriculture Modernization Project)

Phase – II Aiyyar Sub Basin

01.4.2019 to 31.3.2020


Assist. Professor    (Agronomy)

Scientist In-charge


Prof. &Head

Nodal Officer



Budget : Rs 80.33 lakhs

Interventions :

·        Productivity Enhancement in Rice by Green manure-AWDI Paddy- Pulses sequence

·        Alternate Wetting and Drying Irrigation in Paddy (AWDI)

·        Area expansion in Pulse crop diversification

·        Fall army worm technology capsule to enhance the productivity of Maize

·        Production of vegetables/Banana under precision farming mode by adopting of IPM concept

·        Formation of Pesticide free Village/Vegetables

·        Formation of pulses commodity groups and federated to FPO