Research Projects



Project No. Project Leader(s) Title of the Project Duration Status of URP
Department of Agronomy        
1 New URP Proposal 1. Dr.S.Anandhakrishnaveni,

Assoc. Prof.(Agronomy)

2.Dr. R. Parthasarathi

Asst. Prof.(Agrl. Micro.)

Enrichment of Zinc nutrition in rice for nutritional security under sodic soil December 2024 to May 2026. New URP Proposal

University Subprojects

Sl.No Title of the Projects Name of the Project Leader



Effect of irrigation scheduling on the performance of finger millet varieties in sodic soil of Trichy district, Tamil Nadu

Dr.S. Avudaithai, Professor and Head


DCM/TRY/AGR/2016/001 Productivity enhancement of sodic soils through bio intensive complementary cropping with organic amendments Dr.S.Somasundaram, Associate Professor (agronomy)



Evaluation of fermented egg and fish waste extract as foliar spray on yield and economics of rice and green gram

Dr. T. Ramesh, Assistant Professor (Agronomy)
4 DCM/TRY/AGR/SMM/2018/CP152

Organic finger millet (Eleusine coracana. L.) production under sodic soil.

Dr.S.Rathika Assistant Professor (Agronomy)
5 DCM/KPT/AGR/COT/2016/001

Effect of drought mitigation technology on growth and yield of rain fed cotton.

Dr. S. Nithila Assistant Professor (Crop Physiology)
6 DCM/KPT/AGR/COT/2016/001

Effect of drought mitigation technology on growth and yield of rainfed cotton.

7 New Project: Study the physiological mechanisms of sodicity tolerance and assessment of foliar nutrition on productivity of finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn) under sodicity.
8 DCM/TRY/AGR/SMM/2018/002

Effect of crop geometry and nutrient management in summer irrigated Barnyard millet (Kudiraivali) under sodic soil conditions.

Dr. S. Anandha Krishnaveni Associate Professor (agronomy)
9 CPBG / TRY / PBG / SMM / 2017 / 001: 

(May 2017 to April 2020)

Evolution of high yielding Kudhiraivali varieties (Barnyard millet) suited to sodic soils

Dr. P. Jeyaprakash

Prof. & Head (PB&G)

10 Micro Nutrient mixtures to augment yield and quality of Guava (Psidium guajava L.) under sodic soil condition Dr. S. Kumar

Professor (Hort.) 

11 CPBG / TRY / PBG / SMM / 2017 / 001 

(Sep 2017 to Aug 2020)

Evolution of high yielding dual purpose Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench.) varieties suited to sodic soils

Dr. A. Subramanian

Assoc. Prof. (PB&G)

12 CBPG / TRY / PBG / RIC / 2016 / 001

(Oct 2016 to Sep 2019)

Development of high yielding sodicity tolerant rice varieties with desirable grain quality 

Dr. T. Thirumurugan 

Asst. Prof. (PB&G)

13 CPBG / TRY / PBG / RIC / 2018 / 001: 

(Sep 2017 to Aug 2020)

Rice breeder seed production and distribution

Dr. S. Chitra

Asst. Prof. (PB&G)

14 CPBG / TRY / PBG / SMM / 2017 / 002: 

(Sep 2017 to Aug 2020)

Evaluation of sodicity tolerance in finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn) genotypes 

Dr. S. Chitra

Asst. Prof. (PB&G)

15 CPMB/TRY/PBT/2019/001 

Micropropagation of Syngonium from shoot bud and somatic embryos

Dr. V. Rajanbabu

Asst. Prof. (Plant Biotech.)

16 NADP – COE- SSH- Centre of Excellence in Sustaining Soil Health Dr.K.Arulmozhiselvan, Professor (Soil Science and Agri. Chemistry)
17 NRM/TRY/AGM/GGR/2019/001:

Isolation and characterization of elite Rhizobium strains suitable for Greengram raised under  sodic soils of Tamil Nadu  

Dr.M.Sundar, Professor (Microbiology)
18 NRM/TRY/SAC/BIO/2017/001.

Studies on the Protein status of White and Brown Rice grain in selected varieties cultivated in and around Tiruchirappalli district.

S. Pandarinathan, Assistant Professor (Biochemistry)

Evaluating the reclamation efficiency of different sources of Gypsum for sodic soil Management

Dr.A.Alagesan, Assistant Professor (Agronomy)

Implementation of Scheduled Caste Sub Plan 


Dr.A.Alagesan Assistant Professor (Agronomy)
21 EID / NRM / TRY/ SAC / 1997/ R012.

Private agency scheme sponsored by EID Parry (I) Ltd., Nellikuppam entitled “Eco -friendly utilization of distillery effluent and value added products from sugar and distillery industrial wastes in agriculture and its effect on soil and crops.

Dr.G.Gomadhi Assistant Professor (Soil Science)
22 Screening, Evaluation and construction of microbial isolates information in the library of MALDI-TOF from different research centers of TNAU.” Dr.J.Ejilane Assistant Professor (Microbiology)
23 TNPL/NRM/TRY/SAC/2015/ R002: Environmental quality assessment in the use of Paperboard industry (TNPL Unit II) wastewater for agro-forestry system Dr.J.Ejilane Assistant Professor (Microbiology)
24 NRM/TRY/SAC/RIC/2016/001-Development of technology for improving rice productivity in sodic soil under water scarce condition Dr.P.Balasubramaniam

Dr. P. Janaki




25 Accounting carbon sequestering potential of soils managed by effective methods of tillage and application of organic inputs. (Name of PDF: Dr. D. Udhaya Nandhini) Dr. K. Arulmozhiselvan Professor (Soil Science and Agri. Chemistry)
26 DCM/TRY/AGR/SMM/2018/CP152-Organic Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana L.) production under sodic soil(Co-PI)

Rs. 0.50 Lakhs (Core funding)

Dr. S. Rathika, Assistant Professor (Agronomy) and 

Dr. P. Janaki, Associate Professor (SS and AC)

27 NRM/TRY/SAC/RIC/2019/001

Refinement of Fertilizer Prescription Equations for Paddy under Sodic Soil through Soil Test Crop Response correlation studies.

Dr.T.Sherene Jenita Rajammal, AP (SS&AC), 


Assoc. Professor (SS &AC)

28 HCRI/TRY/HOR/FRU/2019/001

Micro nutrient mixtures to augment yield and quality of Guava (Psidium gujava) under sodic soil condition.


Professor (Hort.)

Dr.T.Sherene Jenita Rajammal, AP (SS&AC), 

29 Lumivia- Bioefficacy Trial:

Efficacy of Chlorantraniliprole 625 g/L FS (Lumivia) for the Management of 

Fall Army Worm in Maize Crop

PI: Dr. C. Gailce Leo Justin

Professor and Head (PP) 

Co-PI: Dr. P. Yasodha


 Dr. S. Sheeba Joyce Roseleen 

Asst. Professor (Entomology)

30 CPPS/TRY/ENT/RES/2018/CP027 “Assessment of insecticide residues using instant residue diagnosing kit on crop plant samples and household level in comparison with analytical procedures” Dr.P.Yasodha 

Asst. Prof (Ento) & 

Dr.S.Sheeba Joyce Roseleen
Asst. Prof (Ento)

31 AECRI/ TRY/APE/2018/CP153 

Controlled atmosphere storage of paddy using acetylene as alternate gas

Dr. R.Viswanathan Prof. (APE) & Dr.P.Yasodha, AP(Ento)
32 CPPS/TRY/ENT/RIC/2018/CP093

Exploring botanicals and newer insecticides and their detoxifying mechanisms for the management of stem borer complex in rice

Dr. S. Sheeba Joyce Roseleen, Asst. Professor (Ento.)

Sept, 2018- Aug, 2021

33 SEC/TRY/SST/GGR/2018/CP028

Development of polyherbal based greengram seed protectant against pulse beetle Callosobruchus maculatus . (F)

Dr. T. Eveera 

Dr. S. Sheeba Joyce Roseleen, Asst. Professor (Ento.)

34 CPPS/TRY/NEM/FRU/2018/CP094.Management of citrus nematode by liquid bio-products applied through drip irrigation system. (Sept, 2018 – Aug, 2021) Project Leader 

Dr. J. Jayakumar, 

Asst. Professor (Nematology)

35 New Project: Management of root rot of greengram using salt tolerant biocontrol agents Dr. P.T. Sharavanan, 

Asst. Prof. (Plant Pathology)

36 CARDS/TRY/ AEC/2018/CP095

Analysis of price transmission along the value chain with special reference to Red chillies Turmeric black gram and coconut

Dr. S. Selvam, Professor and Head, Dept of Social Science
37 CARDS/TRY/ AEC/2018/CP154

A Study    of Collective    Farming Scheme In  Tamil Nadu

Dr. S. Selvam, Professor and Head Dept of Social Science
38 AEC&RI/TRYAPE/2018/CP153,

Controlled Atmosphere Storage of Paddy

Using Acetylene as Alternate Gas.

Dr. R.Visvanathan, Professor, Agrl Engineering
39 CARDS/ TRY/LAN/2018/001

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Dr.M.Manimekalai, Professor of Tamil
40 HSCRI/TRY/FSN/2018/001-

Formulation of millet based therapeutic breakfast foods.

Dr. K. Geetha, Assistant Professor (Food Science and Nutrition)
41 AECRI/TRY/COM/2019/001 Standardization of Rugose Spirally Whitefly field level images for Artificial Intelligence application   Dr.M.Kalpana Assistant Professor (Computer Science)
42 CARDS/TR/LAN/2019/001

Testing Aural and Oral Skills of Undergraduate Agricultural students with Interactive softwares

Dr. K.Thangaraj, Associate Professor of English

Dr.M.Kalpana, Assistant Professor(Computer Science)

43 CARDS/TRY/ AEC/2018/CP096

A study on post harvest management and prices of small onion in Tamil Nadu

Dr. R. Parimalarangan, Assistant Professor (Agril. Economics)