Dean's Desk

Dr. P. Rajkumar, Ph.D.,
Agricultural Engineering College and Research Institute
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
Kumulur-621 712, Pallapuram (Post)
Poovalur (Via), Lalgudi (Taluk),
Trichy District
Email ID:
Agricultural Engineering College and Research Institute, Kumulur, is offering B.Tech. (Agrl.Engg.) degree with an aim to produce the technocrats towards the challenges of population explosion, labour shortage, ethnic energy crisis, food and fuel shortages, intensive resource inventory towards alleviation of poverty and to overcome environmental stress. The campus is located at a distance of 25 km from Tiruchirappalli. The institute is affiliated with ever growing reputation for invention, innovation and excellence of research in the field of agricultural engineering. The 282.73 acres of experimental farm is updated with infrastructural facilities which cater to hands on experience and real life situations, apart from updated curriculum.
This institute has produced about 1100 graduates so far who have proved to be assets to the farming community in various wings of Agriculture and the country as a whole. They are also occupying positions at various levels in academic institutions (both government and private), R&D divisions of industries, the general management department in various corporate firms, public administration (such as the IAS and IFS), banking and other services. Some of them are renowned entrepreneurs and leaders in the various allied fields of agricultural engineering, in both the government and corporate sectors across the nation and all over the world.
AEC & RI, Kumulur has very vast facilities viz., Centralized library equipped with WiFi and e-learning resources, Text Books, Periodicals, Back volumes, Separate hostels for boys and girls with WiFi facility, Purified water, Indoor games, GYM, etc., Students are routinely being checked up for health issues and suitable remedies are being given through our college dispensary.
This institute is facilitated by well qualified faculty members with Ph.D as per ICAR guidelines. Our faculties have received various awards viz., Leadership Award – 2018, Gold Medal Award–2018, Best Oral and Best Poster Presentation Award, Student Incentive award, Best Book Award-2018, Excellence in Research Award, Merit for Research and Presentation, etc. The under graduate students during for their final year project work, wereawarded with best student project from TNSCST, Chennai. Faculties publishtheir research findings in reputed international journals with more than 7.00 NASS ratings.
This institute has proudly released various farm implements and agro processing equipments viz., Tractor Drawn Precision Pulse Seeder, Self-Propelled Multi Crop Multi Row Weeder, Improved Coconut Tree Climber, Tractor Operated Multi-Purpose Hoist, Self Propelled Flail-Mower for Cutting Grasses and Bushes, Tamarind Huller, Tamarind De-seeder, Self Propelled Riding type Wetland Direct Rice Seeder and device for removing Mother Shoot in SSI.
This institute has immensely contributing to the new thrust area of research fields viz., automated drip fertigation system, geospatial applications of groundwater, soil & water conservation measures, digital elevation model, Precision farming technologies. Funds from various external funding agency viz., ICAR-NICRA, ICAR – CRP, GOI, DST- MFPI, TNSCST, etc., has been received for conducting research.