Plant Genetic Resources – HoD’s Desk

This is a unique department functioning under the Directorate of Centre for Plant Breeding and Genetics to encourage, support and co-ordinate the plant breeders of different crops through safe conservation of their valuable genetic resources/ germplasm. Breeders of agricultural, fodder, horticultural and forest crops can deposit their germplasm in the form of seeds and all standard protocols are adhered in the Dr.K. Ramiah Gene Bank for medium and long term conservation. The maintenance activities are under the supervision of two plant breeders and one seed technologist.

This department was previously headed by four plant breeders, since its inception from 2009. Together with their great vision and mission, currently 28388 germplasm have been assembled and are being conserved. Cryo – conservation facility established in recent past is in its infancy with protocol standardization. Besides this, cold storage facilities for parental lines/hybrids on a limited scale is offered for scientists in TNAU and also other Institutes.

Germplasm is shared to students pursuing their masters /doctorate degree and scientists for specific trait screening and morphological, biochemical characterization under a material transfer agreement. We facilitate germplasm registration with NBPGR and new/extant variety registration with PPV&FR authority. The genetic wealth of TNAU, its utilization in development of improved varieties and importance of conserving genetic resources is disseminated to stakeholders including farmers through exhibitions at National, and State level and through trainings. Currently, one UG (optional) and one PG course is offered to students. Earlier, 30 PG students had obtained their master’s degree on Plant Genetic Resources from 2012-13 to 2018-19.

The genetic variability in crops is displayed through seeds, specimens and charts. The facility attracts huge number of visitors every year including under Grad students of main and affiliated colleges of TNAU for their classes, arts and science colleges within and outside the State, professionals from National and International Institutes and Organizations. Researchers interested to conserve their germplasm and stakeholders requiring Liquid Nitrogen are welcome to avail our services.