Ongoing Projects
S.No | Title of the Scheme | Funding Agency | Principal Investigator |
1. | DST/ NRM/ ALR/ENS/ 2017/ R005. Preparation and Development of adsorbent carbon and nano cellulose fibrils from Cocus nucifera and its potential application in wastewater treatment system ( 2017 -21) | DST, New Delhi (Rs. 31.52 lakhs) |
Dr.Jayabalakrishnan Asst. Prof(Env. Sci) |
2. | GOI – CDB scheme. Biological control of invasive rugose spiralling whitefly Aleurodicus rugioperculatus using Encarsia guadeloupe in coconut (2017 -19) | CDB, Cochin (Rs. 9.60 lakhs) |
Dr.T.Srinivasan Asst. Prof (Ento)
3. | TNSCST/HOR/ALR/COC/2017/R006Development and Demonstration of Best Management practice for pencil point disorder in coconut (2017 -19) | TNSCST, Chennai(Rs. 4.20 lakhs) |
Dr.C.Sudhalakshmi Asst. Prof (Soil Sci.) |
S.No. | Title of the Project | Project Leader(s) | |
1. | AICRP / HOR / ALR / SPI / 001 – Breeding 1. Evaluation of existing and synthesized hybrid combinations of coconut for high nut and copra yield | Dr.V.Sivakumar Asst. Prof (Hort.) | |
2. | AICRP / HOR / ALR / SPI / 001 – Breeding 2. Conservation, evaluation and utilization of germplasm and local ecotypes of coconut | Dr.V.Sivakumar Asst. Prof (Hort.) | |
3. | AICRP / HOR / ALR / SPI /001 – Breeding 3. Multi location trial (MLT) of cocoa clones under palms | Dr.V.Sivakumar Asst. Prof (Hort.) | |
3. | AICRP / HOR / ALR / SPI /001 – Agronomy 1. Development of coconut based integrated cropping system models for different agro-climatic regions | Dr.S.Rani Asst. Prof (Agronomy) | |
4. | AICRP / HOR / ALR / SPI /001 – Agronomy 2. Network project on Organic Horticulture: Coconut based farming system | Dr.S.Rani Asst. Prof (Agronomy) | |
5. | AICRP / HOR / ALR / SPI /001 – Agronomy 3. Integrated Nutrient Management to enhance the productivity of dwarf coconut |
Dr.S.Rani Asst. Prof (Agronomy) |
6. | AICRP / HOR / ALR / SPI /001 – Agronomy 4. Management of root (wilt) disease at farmers’ field |
Dr.S.Rani Asst. Prof (Agronomy) |
7. | AICRP / HOR / ALR / SPI /001 – Agronomy 5. Integration of goat in coconut based cropping system |
Dr.S.Rani Asst. Prof (Agronomy) |
9, | AICRP/HOR/ALR/SPI/001/Ent.1 – Pest surveillance in coconut |
Dr.M.Alagar Asst. Prof (Agrl.Ento.) |
10. | AICRP/HOR/ALR/SPI/001/Ent.2 – Evaluation of botanical cake and pests for the management of rhinoceros beetle infesting juvenile palms. |
Dr.M.Alagar Asst. Prof (Agrl.Ento.) |
11. | AICRP/HOR/ALR/SPI/001/Ent.3 – Integrated management of coconut eriophid mite |
Dr.M.Alagar Asst. Prof (Agrl.Ento.) |
12. | AICRP/HOR/ALR/SPI/001/Ent.4 – Production and supply of parasitoids |
Dr.M.Alagar Asst. Prof (Agrl.Ento.) |
13. | AICRP/HOR/ALR/SPI/001/PATH 1: Survey and surveillance of coconut diseases (bud rot, stem bleeding and Ganoderma (Basal stem rot) wilt) |
Dr.E.Rajeswari Asst. Prof (Plant Path) |
14. |
AICRP/HOR/ALR/SPI/001/PATH 4: Etiology and epidemiology of leaf blight disease of coconut (Expt. 1) Management of leaf blight disease in coconut (Expt. 2) Sequential use of fungicides against leaf blight disease (Expt. 3) |
Dr.E.Rajeswari Asst. Prof (Plant Path) |
15. | AICRP/HOR/ALR/SPI/001/PATH 5: Demonstration of Integrated Management of coconut leaf blight disease(Experiment 4) |
Dr.E.Rajeswari Asst. Prof (Plant Path) |
16. | AICRP/HOR/ALR/SPI/001/PATH 6: Root (wilt) disease of coconut: To monitor the spread of root (wilt) disease in Tamil Nadu |
Dr.E.Rajeswari Asst. Prof (Plant Path) |
17. | AICRP/PBG/ALR/MLT/GNT/018. Experiment PP1: Monitoring of major diseases of Groundnut |
Dr.C.Ushamalini Assoc. Prof (Plant Pathology) |
18. | Experiment PP2: Screening of IVT I & II and other co ordinate trial materials for resistance /tolerance to major diseases. |
Dr.C.Ushamalini Assoc. Prof (Plant Pathology) |
19. | Experiment PP3a: Development of technologies for management of soil borne diseases. |
Dr.C.Ushamalini Assoc. Prof (Plant Pathology) |
20. | Experiment PP3B: Validation of management modules for soil borne diseases . |
Dr.C.Ushamalini Assoc. Prof (Plant Pathology) |
21. | Experiment4: Management of major foliar diseases. |
Dr.C.Ushamalini Assoc. Prof (Plant Pathology) |