Milestone Achievements

Milestone Achievements

a) Crop improvement

  1. Varieties Released – Jack – PPI-1, Brinjal – PPI(B)1 and Cinnamon – PPI(C)1, Garcinia – PPI-1
  2. Varieties under pipeline – Kudampuli (GG9), Clove (SA3) and Nutmeg (MF4)
  3. Germplasm repository – Pepper (25), Clove (24), Cinnamon (12), Nutmeg (24), Banana (14), Custard apple (17), Jack (16), Arecanut (4), Bamboo (4), Carambola (2), Under exploited fruits (30), Medicinal plants (40) and Heliconia (7)

b) Crop management

  • Standardized foliar spray for pepper to reduce spike shedding and increase in yield
  • Vegetative propagation method for cinnamon and nutmeg were standardized
  • Right dosage of growth regulator to induce more rooting in hardwood cutting of allspice was identified
  • Identified suitable variety in arecanut for Kayakumari Dt.
  • Nutrient dosage to correct zinc deficiency in red banana was standardized
  • Optimized nutrient requirement and spacing for pineapple
  • Standardized nutrient requirement for tapioca
  • Optimized growing media for anthurium
  • Identified suitable medicinal crops togrow as intercrop in rubber.
  • c) Plant protection
  • Standardized treatment method for foot rot incidence in pepper
  • Identified management method for stem borer and black scale attack and leaf spot and bud shedding disease in clove
  • Management for rhizome rot disease was identified in ginger
  • Standardized control measures for incidence of pseudostem borer and leaf spot in banana
  • Application of pesticides for management of tea mosquito bug was standardized in cashew
  • Management measures for die back disease, fruit rot, pink disease and fruit borer in jack was standardized