Varieties Released
- a) Varieties Released
Jack – PPI-1
Year of Release – 1996.
- High yielder – 1818 kg/tree (107 fruits).
- Bearing twice annually.
- Main season (April – June).
- Off season (November – December).
- Carpels Crisp and creamy yellow colour.
- Sweet and tastier with pleasant aroma.
- Tree medium tall.
- Suitable for commercial planting and home gardens.
Brinjal – PPI(B)1
Year of release – 2001.
- A selection from Karungal local.
- Suitable for both irrigated and rainfed conditions.
- Solitary bearing with an average of 30 – 35 fruits per plant.
- Excellent cooking quality without bitterness and minimum seeds.
- Moderately resistant to shoot, fruit borer and wilt.
- Yield 45 – 50 t/ha.
Cinnamon – PPI(C)1
Year of release – 2002.
- A selection from open pollinated clones maintained at Horticultural Research Station, Pechiparai.
- This accession grows to a height of 6.0 m.
- Yields about 980 kg of bark on coppicing (25 % more than the local variety).
- Possesses a high oil recovery of 3.3 % in the leaf and 2.9 % in the bark.
- Has a good regeneration capacity and suitable for coppicing at an interval of 18-24 months.
- Suitable for high rainfall regions and lower elevations ranging from 100-500 m.