Completed Schemes

S.No Project Number and title Period Name and Designation  the project Leader
1 Collection and evaluation of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) genotypes with high yield and quality and suitable for commercial cultivation at different elevation for lower Pulney hills 2016 Dr.S.Muthuramalingam

Asst. Professor(Hort)

2 Effect of organic inputs on yield and quality of black pepper (Piper nigrum) in coffee based plantation under lower Pulney hills 2016 Dr.S.Muthuramalingam

Asst. Professor (Hort)

3 Studies on the seasonal incidence and management of shoot/panicle/ capsule  borer, Conogethes (=Diochocrocis) Punctiferalis (Pyraustidae : Lepidoptera ) on cardamom 2017 Dr.M.Muthuswami

