Ongoing Schemes

S.No Project Number and title Period Name and Designation  the project Leader
1. HCRI/TKD/HOR/SPC/2018/CP118 Core Project Alternate standards (Non living standards) for growing of Black pepper Piper nigrum L.) by using orthotropic shoots 2018-2019 Dr.T.Thangaselvabai

Professor and Head

2. HCRI/TKD/HOR/SPC/2019/001 Collection and evaluation of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) genotypes for yield and quality in lower Pulney hills 2019-2021 Dr.T.Thangaselvabai

Professor and Head

3. HCRI/TKD/HOR/SPC/2019/002 Collection and evaluation of Avocado (Percia Americana M.) genotypes for yield and quality in the lower Pulney hills 2019-2021 Dr,K.Sundharaiya

Assistant Professor

4. “New Project on “Development of pole bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) variety suitable to lower Pulney hills” 2019-2022 Dr,K.Sundharaiya

Assistant Professor

5. HCRI/TKD/HOR/VEG/2019/001

Effect of micronutrients and bio stimulants on growth, yield and incidence of mosaic disease in chow chow

2019-2022 Dr.V.Krishnamoorthy

Associate Professor

6. HCRI/TKD/HOR/VEG/2019/001

Evaluation of Lichi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) genotypes / varieties for growth, yield and quality

2019-2024 Dr.V.Krishnamoorthy

Associate Professor