Major Research Outcomes

Major Research Outcomes

Major research activities (2021 – 2024)

Crop Improvement 

  • Rice ADT 54 to 59 low input response.
  • AD 22305 – Promising culture under Submergence (MLT stage).
  • ADT 56-SD, ADT 18559-MD, AD 22411-LD.
  • Cultures with High Zinc and Iron content – AD 21225 & AD 21038 (Stage: MLT evaluation).
  • More than 10% protein content was identified in ASD 16 x Mappillai samba sergeant lines.
  • Characterized 120 traditional rice varieties-DUS and Nutritional parameters.
  • Karppu kavini, Mappillai samba, Karukuruvai, Kattuyanum, Thyamalli – Therapeutic vars.
  • ADT 59-DSR.
  • ADT 6, ADT 7-Blackgram, Green Gram ADGG 20024, ADGG 20026 (MLT & AICRP).
  • A culture was identified for Leafy vegetables –Evaluation stage (Nutracitical Property).

Crop Management 

  • Non-puddled machine transplanted rice saves water and labour.
  • Alternate wetting and drying through water tube – saves water 200 to 250 ml with higher water use efficiency.
  • Drone seeding @ 40 kg/ha followed by pretilachlor 0.45 kg/ha on 3 DAS + Bispyripac sodium 50 g/ha found better.
  • Eight row yanmar transplanter with single row power weeder found suitable for Cauvery Delta Zone of Tamil Nadu.
  • Machine seed drill sowing with laser leveller followed by pendimethalin @ 1 kg/ha on 3 DAS followed by cono weeding found higher yield and return.
  • Application of CuSo4 500/ha + cono weeding + PSB + KSB + ZSB found to reduce green algae.
  • Saline tolerant Rhizobium was developed for Improving the yield of Blackgram.

Crop Protection

  • Rice cultures viz., AD 09219, AD 12132, AD 17152 and AD 13253 were found moderately resistant to major pest and diseases of rice.
  • Forewarning models were developed for Stem borer, Brown plant hopper, Gall midge, Green leaf hopper and Blast disease.
  • Integrated pest and disease management modules were developed for major pest and diseases of rice.

Production and Distributions of Seeds and Bio-inputs

  • Production and supply of Nucleus, Breeder seeds and TFL.
  • Bio-agents like Trichogramma spp. Beauveria bassiana, Metarrhizium anisopliae, Purpureocillium lilacinum Trichoderma asperelloides, Bacillus subtilis and Mushroom bed spawn were produced and distributed to the farmers.
  • Production and supply of liquid and carrier based bio-fertilizers.