S.No Date Department Campus Speaker Name & Designation Title Videos
1 16.12.2022 Plant Pathology Coimbatore Dr. RICARDO OLIVA,
Lead Scientist – Plant Pathology, World Vegetabl Centre, Taiwan
Strategies to contain bacterial diseases in modern agriculture
2 23-12-2022 Genetics and Plant Breeding Coimbatore Dr.GOVINDARAJ                                           CIAT, Columbia Biofortification strategies and achievements in Pearl Millet
3 29.12.2022 Agricultural Rural Management Coimbatore Dr.E.VADIVEL,                                            Former Director of Extension Education FPOs: Game Changer in Indian Agriculture?
4 30-12-2022 Agrl. Extension & Rural Sociology Coimbatore Dr. RASHEED SULAIMAN                   Director, Centre for Research Extension Innvoation & Science Policy, Hyderabad Role of Extension and Advisory Services in Enabling Innovation
5 02-01-2023 Department Of Bioinformatics Coimbatore Dr.SAMPATH PERUMAL, PhD
Technical Lead – Plant Improvement Program
Global Institute for Food Security (GIFS)​, ​University of Saskatchewan, 110 Gymnasium Place, Saskatoon, SK S7N 0W9 Canada,
Are we ready to feed 10 billion people: challenges and opportunities
6 12-01-2023 Department Of Agronomy  Killikulam Dr. R. Thangavelu                                 Principal Scientist, ICAR National Research Centre of Banana, Trichy
Current Advances in Plant Disease Management in Banana
7 20-01-2023 Agronomy Coimbatore Dr.P. SOMAN,
Chief Agronomists, Global -Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd, Jalgoan, Maharashtra
How drip irrigation allows for changes in agronomy of crops leading towards high productivity
8 27-01-2023 Food Science and Nutrition Madurai Dr. PURNIMA MENON,
Director International Food Policy Research Institute, New Delhi
Strategy for tackling malnutrition in India
9 03-02-2023 Seed Science and Technology Madurai Dr.P.MURUGESAN,                                Principal Scientist, CTCRI, Trivandrum Prospects and Challenges in Cultivation of Underutilized Crops
10 03-02-2023 Entomology Trichy Dr.S.SUBRAMANIANPRINCIPAL SCIENTIST & HEAD, Indian Agricultural Research Institute,New Delhi Genomic approaches for Insect Pest Management
11 10-02-2023 Soil Science Coimbatore Dr.S.VADIVELU,
Consultant, Karnataka State Remote Sensing Applications Centre, Bengaluru & Former Principal, Scientist and Head, NBSS&LUP, Bengaluru
Soil Mapping
12 14-02-2023 Department of Horticulture, AC&RI, Killikulam Dr. C. RAMASAMY                             Former Vice-Chancellor, TNAU, Coimbatore Sustainable Agriculture-Perspectives and insights of an Economist
13 17-02-2023 Soil Science Madurai Dr. DIPAK RANJAN BISWAS                     FISS, FASCT, Principal Scientist, Division of Soil Science and Agrl. Chemistry, ICAR, New Delhi, Email: drb_ssac@iari.res.in;
Ph: 9868554968
Smart Fertilizer for Crop Production and Soil Health: A Novel Approach
14 24-02-2023 Spices and Plantation Crops Coimbatore Dr. K. NIRMAL BABU                                 Retd. Director, IISR, Calicut Technological innovations for increasing production and productivity of spices
15 03-03-2023 Agricultural Extension, AC&RI Madurai Dr.S.SARAVANAN RAJ                         Director (Agrl. Extension), MANAGE, Hyderabad Agricultural Education: New Competencies and Innovations for Future
16 10-03-2023 Plant Physiology Coimbatore Dr.ARUN KUMAR SHANKER            Principal Scientist, Central Institute for Dry land Agriculture High resolution dissection of Photosystem II electron transport and its implications in stress
17 17-03-2023 Dept. of Food Process Engineering Coimbatore Dr.P. HEARTWIN AMALADHAS, Ph.D.,    (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) Principal Scientist, Southern Regional Station, ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Adugodi, Bengaluru – 560 030 Application of Nanotechnology in Food Processing
18 24-03-2023 Plant Biotechnology Coimbatore Dr. UTPAL NATH                                  Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru Morphogenesis in Plants
19 31-03-2023 Agricultural Economics Coimbatore Dr.A.Narayanamoorthy                          Senior Professor and Head, Department of Economics and Rural Development, Alagappa University, Karaikudi . Tamilnadu’s Irrigation Sector: Issues and Challenges
20 21-04-2023 Department of Seed Science and Technology Coimbatore Dr.Malavka Dadlani                                 Former Joint Director ICAR – Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi Seed Enhancements – The Future of Seed Technology
21 28-04-2023 Department of Agricultural Economics Coimbatore Prof.R.RAMAKUMAR                                Professor, Centre for study of Developing Economics,School of Development Studies,Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai Policy issues in Indian Agriculture
22 12-05-2023 Anbil Dharmalingam Agricultural College and Research Institute Trichy Prof. (Dr.) K. Prathapan, Ph.D., PGDBA, Vice Chancellor, D. Y. Patil Agriculture and Technical University Talsande State of the art of Agricultural Higher Education: Scope, Opportunities and Way Forward
23 19-05-2023 Department of Agronomy, Agricultural College & Research Institute Madurai Dr. S.S. Hallikeri, Ph.D., Principal Scientist (Agronomy), AICRP-Cotton, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad,
Challenges and Prospects of Cotton Cultivation in India
24 26-05-2023 Horticultural College and Research Institute Periyakulam Dr.T.K.Behara,Leading Indian Horticultural Scientist, Director & Secretory ISVS Vegetable research in India for sustainable food and nutritional security
25 16-06-2023 Forestry College and Research Institute Mettupalayam Dr. Mohan Kumar, Ex-Vice- Chancellor, Arunachal University of Studies, Namsai Nature-based Solutions for Achieving India’s net zero emission targets and for biodiversity conservation: A Perspective on Agroforestry
26 30-06-2023 Department of Microbiology, Agricultural College & Research Institute Madurai Dr. B. Ramakrishnan, Principal Scientist, Division of Microbiology, IARI, Pusa Campus, New Delhi Microbiome Innovations for the future of food and agriculture
27 07-07-2023 Agricultural Engineering College & Research Institute Kumulur Dr. P.T. Umashankar, Consultant, Asian Development Bank, Adyar, Chennai – 600020. Advances and recent trends in landscape irrigation (including vertical, indoor and rooftop gardens)
28 14-07-2023 Department of Sericulture Mettupalayam Dr.B.Mohan, Scientist – D, National Silkworm Seed Organisation , Central Silk board, Bangalore Recent Techniques in silkworm seed production
29 21.07.2023 Department of Agrl. Economics Madurai Dr. Anil Kuruvila, Professor, College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur, Kerala Implications of Trade Liberalization on Indian Agriculture
30 04.08.2023 Department of Physical Sciences and Information Technology Coimbatore Dr. Eldho Varghese, Senior Scientist, Fishery Resources Assessment Division, ICAR – Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Ernakulam, Kochi Experimental Designs for Agricultural Research
31 11.08.2023 Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics Madurai Dr. K.K.Vinod Principal Scientist, Plant Breeding and Associate Dean, IARI, New Delhi Meeting SDG 12: Need for Nutrient Efficient Crops
32 18.08.2023 Horticultural College and Research Institute Periyakulam Dr. R. Selvarajan, Director, National Research Centre for Banana(NRCB) Recent trends in banana crop improvement
33 26.02.2024 Department of Food Process Engineering Coimbatore Dr. Digvir S.Jayas,President and Vice-Chancellor. University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada Mathematical Modeling for Management of Stored-Grain Ecosystems
34 11.12.2024 Department of Entomology Madurai Dr. U. Srinivasulu Reddy, Associate Professor, Centre of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence, National Institute of technology, Trichy AI-driven Pest Management
35 17.12.2024 Department of Plant Pathology Coimbatore Dr. Sambasivam Periyannan, Director, Australian Cotton Disease Collaboration (Virtual National Centre), University of Southern Queensland (UniSQ), Australia Food to Fibre: Transitioning from wheat rust to cotton disease research
36 03.01.2025 Department of Food Science & Nutrition Madurai Dr. V. Baskaran, Chief Scientist (Rtd.), Former- Head, Department of Molecular Nutrition, CSIR-CFTRI, Mysore Importance of BioE3 (Biotech for Economy, Environment and Employment) for High-performance Bio manufacturing (Circular Bio-Economy) of foods
37 06.01.2025 College of AEC & RI Kumulur Dr. Manoj P Samuel, Executive Director, KSCSTE- Centre for water Resources Development and Management, Kozhikode, Kerala GA tool kit for groundwater management and water quality decision support system
38 06.01.2025 Department of Soil & water Conservation Engineering Coimbatore Dr. K. V. Ramana Rao, Principal Scientist, ICAR-CIAE, Nabi Bagh, Berasia Road, Bopal Micro Irrigation Systems and Protected Cultivation
39 13.02.2025 Department of Agronomy Madurai Dr. T. Senthivel, Senior professor (Agronomy), School of Agriculture Animal Sciences, The Gandhigram Rural Institute, Gandhigram, Chinnalapatti, Tamil Nadu Research advancement in crop management studies
40 17.02.2025 Department of Plant Pathology Coimbatore Dr. Sambasivam Periyannan, Director, Australian Cotton Disease Collaboration (Virtual National Centre), University of Southern Queensland (UniSQ), Australia Food to Fibre: Transitioning from wheat rust to cotton disease research
41 24.02.2025 Department of Soils and Environment Madurai Dr. K. Karthikeyan, Principal Scientist, ICAR-National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning (NBSS & LUP), Amaravati Road, Nagpur Pedo-Edaphological Perspectives in Sustainable Soil Management
42 07.03.2025 Department of Seed Science & Technology Madurai Dr. Ramachandra Naik K, Dean Students welfare (DSW), University of Horticultural Sciences, Udyangiri, Navnagar, Bagalkot Eco-friendly modified seed storage structures for vegetatively propagated horticultural crops
43 11.03.2025 Department of Agrl.Microbiology Madurai Dr. Periyasamy Panneerselvam, Principal Scientist Crop Production Division, ICAR-National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack, Odisha, India Plant microbe interactions: Unlocking pathways for sustainable farming and climate resilience