Completed Schemes

  • Breeding of cassava for high tuber yield and starch content
  • Soil Test Crop Response based IPNS for sustainable cassava production
  • Permanent Manurial Experiment on cassava in red sandy loam soil (Typic Rhodustalf) of Yethapur under Irrigated situation
  • Evaluation of New Micronutrient Fertilizer Mixture for increasing the productivity and starch content in cassava
  • Induced chemical mutagenesis for genetic diversification of pistillate and monoecious lines of castor
  • Development of superior castor hybrids with improved plant type and wilt resistance
  • Development of castor varieties with high yield and resistant to major pest and diseases through pedigree breeding for Tamil Nadu.
  • Identifying the promising castor genotypes under closer spacing for single harvesting
  • Optimizing plant spacing and nutrients (NPK) requirements for pre release hybrid YRCH 1116 under rainfed and irrigated conditions
  • Introduction of castor as intercropping in samai in hilly areas
  • Study on the performance of transplanting method of establishment in hybri castor under irrigate situation
  • Effect of spacing, nipping primary shoot and pruning on growth and yield of perennial castor variety TCRS 1205 under irrigated condition
  • Integrated weed management for castor under irrigated condition
  • Optimizing plant density for promising castor Hybrid
  • Identifying the promising castor genotypes under closer spacing for single harvesting
  • Studies on the effect of time of sowing and spacing on seed yield and quality of hybrid seed production in castor variety YRCH1
  • Crop establishment, suitable intercrop for semi spreading groundnut under rainfed condition
  • Bioecology and management of castor whitefly (Trialeurodes ricini) and castor thrips (Retithrips syriacus) in Rabi castor
  • Identification and Cataloguing Parasitoid Fauna in Castor Ecosystem and Enhancing their Beneficial Capacity for Biological Control