Current Student

Education system

The course credit based semester system of education is followed in TNAU for all the degree programmes.

  1. The medium of instruction is English other than Tamil medium programs
  2. All undergraduate degree programme has total of 8 semesters
  3. Each semester has 105 working days
  4. Further academic details are provided in the Academic Calendar, which will be issued to the students on admission.

Student Charter

The student charter includes Academic Calendar cum Rules and Regulations. The later part comprises the rights and obligations of TNAU students of all the Bachelors Degree programmes. These rights and obligations are based on TNAU regulations.

The periodical update is taken care of, if necessary. Possible urgent changes will be made known to students via concern year co-ordinators.

The Student Charter is appended on this webpage, in both Tamil and English. The charter consists of two parts: a programme specific part and an institutional part. The programme specific part, dealing with the structure and courses of each programme. The institutional part of the charter consists of the rules and regulations.

On this webpage you can find relevant information for current student. We will guide you through your enrolment, during your study, student counselling, student exchange (dual degree) programmes, project work, internship, Rural Agricultural Work Experience (RAWE) programme and things to do besides your study and your graduation and beyond.

If you cannot find the information you are looking for, you can send your question Dean, Students Welfare Centre.

Student Guidance

a.The Dean (Agri), concerned year Co-ordinators, Academic Counsellors and the course teachers will govern and facilitate the students during their programme.

Dean (Agri) – Head of Agricultural College and Research Institute
Coordinates the academic and cocurricular activities

Co-ordinator [separate for each Batch of students and he will remain in office throughout the entire (I, II, III and IV year) programme]

Coordinates the academic and cocurricular activities of the concerned year batch students along with the course teachers

Academic Counsellor (teaching faculty)

Counsel a small group (usually not more than five) of students;

Supports the coordinator

More details about the duties of facilitators are provided in the Academic Calendar, which will be issued to the students on admission.






Staff Advisor

Staff Associates

Student guidance at University level

Vice Chancellor

Student guidance at college level

Dean (Agri)

Dean (Horti)

Dean (Engineering)


b. Besides these, Grievance Cell, Anti-ragging Committee and SC/ST Cell are in operation to help and guide the students. Details are provided in the ‘Centre for Students Welfare’ webpage.


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