Personal Counsellor

Personal  Counsellor

Student come from diverse backgrounds and they lead a complex life in Hostels.

Many are abstracted and to certain extent depressed to cope up, as they are from sheltered background and the translation to college and reeling under peer pressure, adopting harmful habits may hamper their progress in academic life.

Psychological counselling will to a greater content comfort them to relieve from stress.

The National Higher Education Policy also demands to adopt soft skills to reach out students and they can also be contagion to learn interpersonal, emotional and social skills for the holistic well being

In toto, apart from intellectual curiosity, values, attitude to work peer adaptation and life skills guidance and counselling also play a vital point.

The counselling session timing : 05.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. (Monday to Friday)

Venue : Personal cum Psychological Counselling chamber at Students Hostel